Partner Testimonials
Patrick Frerking Patrick Frerking,
Principal at Concordia Lutheran High School in Fort Wayne, lists the blessings of TLSP in terms of shared ministry, mission, and commonality of goals.
Keith Martin,
recently retired Principal at Emmaus Lutheran School in Fort Wayne, is grateful for how TLSP has helped their school with their needs, the benefits of connecting with other school leaders, and for the help provided by staff, especially Alicia Levitt.
Greg Clark,
former Board Chair and current finance director for Lutheran South Unity School in Fort Wayne, appreciates the help of Jon Dize to establish their endowment and SGO, Mark to support the school with legislative connections, and and for TLSP and their help with state legislative issues, and Alicia Levitt with training.
Sarah Weber,
Teacher at Holy Cross Lutheran School in Fort Wayne, grew up in the area and was excited to return to teach here with all of the curriculum, resources, and other opportunities that are available here as compared to other parts of the country where she has taught.
Molly Graft,
the SGO coordinator at Emmaus Lutheran School in Fort Wayne, explains how Jon Dize helped lead and mentor her through the SGO program so that she can help children and families learn of the love of Christ.